CAO HAND BOOK 2017 - page 31

Adv Diploma in Marketing........................................112
BTech Marketing........................................................112
BTech Marketing (p/t).................................................112
BTech Public Relations Management.......................112
BTech Public Relations Management (p/t)...............112
B Com Digital Marketing...........................................112
B Com Marketing Management................................112
Dip in Commerce in Marketing Management.........112
Dip Marketing Management.....................................112
Dip Public Relations...................................................113
N N Dip Marketing Management..............................113
H Cert Marketing........................................................113
N Cert Marketing Management N4, N5, N6.............113
N Cert Marketing Management N4, N5, N6 (p/t).....114
N Cert Public Relations N4, N5, N6...........................115
N Cert Public Relations N4, N5, N6 (p/t)...................115
NC(V) Marketing L 2...................................................116
Hons B Com Marketing Management......................116
Science and MATHEMATICS.................. 116
B Sc Applied Chemistry.............................................116
B Sc Biological Sciences............................................116
B Sc Chemistry & ChemicalTechnology...................116
B Sc Applied Mathematics with Computer
Sciences as Major 2...................................................116
B Sc Applied Mathematics with Hydrology
as Major 2...................................................................117
B Sc Applied Mathematics with Physics as Major 2......117
B Sc Applied Mathematics with Mathematics as
Major 2........................................................................117
B Sc Applied Mathematics with Statistics
as Major 2...................................................................117
B Sc Biochemistry with Botany as Major 2..............117
B Sc Biochemistry with Chemistry as Major 2.........117
B Sc Biochemistry with Human Movement
Science as Major 2.....................................................117
B Sc Biochemistry with Microbiology as Major 2........117
B Sc Biochemistry with Zoology as Major 2............117
B Sc Botany with Geography as Major 2.................117
B Sc Botany with Hydrology as Major 2...................117
B Sc Botany with Microbiology as Major 2..............117
B Sc Botany with Zoology as Major 2......................117
B Sc Chemistry with Computer Science as Major 2....118
B Sc Chemistry with Hydrology as Major 2.............118
B Sc Chemistry with Mathematics as Major 2.........118
B Sc Chemistry with Physics as Major 2..................118
B Sc Computer Science with Hydrology as Major 2...118
B Sc Chemistry with Zoology as Major 2.................118
B Sc Computer Science with Mathematics
as Major 2...................................................................118
B Sc Computer Science with Statistics as Major 2......118
B Sc Computer Science with Physics as Major 2...... 118
B Sc Geography with Hydrology as Major 2............118
B Sc Geography with Physics as Major 2.................118
B Sc Geography with Statistics as Major 2..............118
B Sc Geography with Zoology as Major 2............... 119
B Sc Human Movement Science with Physics as
Major 2........................................................................ 119
B Sc Human Movement Science with Zoology as
Major 2........................................................................ 119
B Sc Hydrology with Microbiology as Major 2........ 119
B Sc Hydrology with Physics as Major 2.................. 119
B Sc Hydrology with Statistics as Major 2............... 119
B Sc Hydrology with Zoology as Major 2................. 119
B Sc Mathematics with Physics as Major 2.............. 119
B Sc Mathematics with Statistics as Major 2........... 119
B Sc Microbiology with Zoology as Major 2............ 119
B Sc Microbiology with Human Movement
Science as Major 2.................................................... 120
B Sc Geological Sciences......................................... 120
B Sc Industrial & Applied Biotechnology................ 120
B Sc Marine Biology................................................. 120
B Sc Stream LES....................................................... 120
B Sc Stream M........................................................... 120
B Sc4 Augmented...................................................... 120
B Sc4 Foundation...................................................... 121
Dip Analytical Chemistry.......................................... 121
Dip Consumer Sciences: Food & Nutrition............. 121
N Dip Analytical Chemistry...................................... 121
N Dip Biotechnology................................................. 121
Access Course Analytical Chemistry....................... 122
BTech Biotechnology................................................ 122
BTech Biotechnology (p/t)........................................ 122
BTech Chemistry....................................................... 122
BTech Chemistry (p/t)............................................... 122
BTech Consumer Sciences: Food & Nutrition (p/t)........122
B A Development Studies......................................... 122
B A Information Science........................................... 122
B Child &Youth Care................................................. 122
B Health Science: Environmental Health................. 123
B Library & Information Science.............................. 123
B Sc Environmental Health....................................... 123
B Social Work............................................................. 123
B Sports Science....................................................... 123
BTheology................................................................. 124
N Dip Community Extension.................................... 124
N Dip Library & Information Studies....................... 124
N Dip Sport ExerciseTechnology............................. 124
BTech Child &Youth Development.......................... 124
BTech Environmental Health.................................... 124
BTech Library & Information Studies...................... 124
NC(V) Primary Healthcare........................................ 125
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