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Contact details


Central Applications Office
Durban University of Technology
Ml Sultan Technikon
Indumiso Campus
Riverside Campus
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Howard College
Medical School
Unisa (University of South Africa)
University of Zululand

Click on an institution in the key to zoom to its location.

How to use the map

Zoom into and out of the map by clicking on the + and - sign on the zoom bar on the left of the map.
You can also double click on the map to zoom in.
Move the map around by clicking and draggin on the map.
To create a route, right click on the point that you want to start from and select "Start Here". Then right click on the point that you want to finish at and select "End Here". The route will automatically be displayed.
To clear the route, right click on the map and select "Clear"