CAO 2016 Hand Book - page 30

On-campus full-time study
Students are on-campus or in work placements for most of the year.
Lectures and tests take place during the day.
• Easy access to facilities such as libraries and computer rooms.
• Plenty of contact with other students and easy access to
student social life.
• The most expensive option, especially if you stay in residence.
• Not normally compatible with full-time employment.
Part-time study
Some on-campus programmes are available on a part-time basis, and
are taught either in the evenings or one day a week.
• Can be combined with full-time employment.
• Offers all the advantages of on-campus study.
• It takes a year or two longer to complete the degree or diploma
than when studying full-time.
• When combined with full-time employment, this route is
very hard work, especially for those who also have family
Distance learning (home study)
Students work at their own pace using study material at home. They
write assignments, which they submit to institutions by post or email.
Often tutors are available to offer assistance by phone or online, as
well as at occasional lectures/tutorials. Some distance learning
institutions have local facilities for those who live nearby.
• Students can study in their own home – they do not have to
• Less expensive than on-campus study.
• Compatible with commitments such as employment.
• Some students find it difficult to motivate themselves without
regular face-to-face contact with lecturers.
Private colleges
• Private higher education institutions offer a viable alternative to
public education.
• Qualifications are accredited and registered against the same
regulations as those in public institutions.
• Private colleges may offer full-time or part-time study or distance
learning or a combination.
• Private college study is usually more expensive than studying at a
public funded institution and financial aid may not be available.
11. Study Options
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