CAO 2016 Hand Book - page 62

16. How to Use the Programme List
In the pages that follow, there are 797 programmes grouped under
25 career directions. Page 22 and 23 list career directions in terms of
suitability for the four working personality types. If you do not know
what you want to study, it might help you to work through Section 8,
which has self-help steps on how to decide what to study as well as
the 'career personalities quiz' (page 20 and 23).
Career directions are divided into three sections. The first with the
BLUE heading contains programmes at universities and universities of
technology, the second with the GREEN heading contains programmes
at public TVET colleges and the third with ORANGE heading contains
programmes at private colleges.
How to find a programme
Look up the field of study, for example, Sport, in the 'Index' (pages 182
to 185) and then go directly to the page/s specified.
Within each career direction, programmes are grouped according
to the level of study.
The different levels of study are:
Shorter course study;
NC(V) study;
Certificate study;
Diploma study;
Degree study; and
BTech/MTech study (programmes for people with a diploma or a
If you are looking for postgraduate study, consult the institution for
courses that are not included in the CAO Handbook. You will also
find some shorter courses and programmes for people who are
already working as educators or nurses. Within each category, the
programmes are listed in alphabetical order by programme name.
1. Programme name
The full name of the programme, for example, B Com Accounting (4 yr).
2. Programme code
The alpha-numeric code, which contains six characters, and is linked
to a specific programme at a specific campus and institution. The
first two letters indicate the name of the institution offering the
programme, the third letter indicates the campus of study (a table of
these codes is on page 65 and 66) and the last three letters and/or
numbers indicate the programme.
For example:
Programme code: ZU-M-BS6
University of Zululand (Institution)
Main Campus
B Sc4 Foundation (Programme)
3. Closing date
If the programme has a closing date, it is listed. Apply as early as possible
as a number of programmes have early closing dates because time is
needed to carry out interviews and assessment tests. Applications
received after a programme's closing date will be processed as a Late
Application. Each institution deals with late applications in different ways.
Refer to the institutions’ prospectus for further information. For your
application to be processed as an on-time application, your completed
application form with programme choices and application fee must reach
the CAO on or before the published closing dates for each programme.
4. Minimum points
The minimum points required for that programme. The points
requirements may differ depending on the school leaving examination
you wrote. Each set of points requirements will be displayed
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